
Do You Need A Dental Filling?

If you have tooth decay such as cavities, it may be time to get a filling in Williamsburg, VA. Come to the office of Dr. Nancy Schumann, where our staff will treat your decayed teeth with comfortable and compassionate care.

What Is a Filling?

Cavities are the name for decay that will damage your teeth.  When it is time to treat and save your decayed tooth, we must remove the decayed area to prevent it from getting worse and destroying the whole tooth. After drilling the decayed area out of your tooth, we simply cannot leave the tooth vulnerable and open.  We must fill in and seal off the tooth to further protect it. A filling is a material that we place in the tooth after removing the decayed structure.

The process of getting a filling is very quick. When you come to our office in Williamsburg, VA, for a filling, rest assured it won't take very long. The process is usually over within half an hour. However, if your cavity is very deep and severe, then of course it may take longer.

Do I Need To Get A Filling?

If you are currently dealing with tooth decay, you will more likely need a filling. The early stages of a cavity can be treated with a simple filling. However, if the decay goes down to the root and pulp of your tooth, then root canal treatment is needed.

Filling material may be made from amalgam or composite. Over the years, composite fillings have become more popular because of their natural appearance that blends in with your natural teeth. Fillings are also available in cast gold, which is highly durable. 

Fillings can be either direct or indirect. When we place a filling inside your tooth structure, that is an example of a direct filling. Direct fillings are usually completed in one office visit.

Indirect fillings must be produced in a lab and laid on your tooth. Crowns, inlays, and onlays are examples of indirect fillings.

Getting a filling in Williamsburg, VA, is the first step in restoring a decayed tooth. Come to the office of Dr. Schumann, so we can begin the process of saving your decayed teeth. Call us at (757) 564-0900 for an appointment today.

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Hours of Operation

Our normal office hours are:


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm





Our Location

5330 Discovery Park Blvd.(2nd floor) Williamsburg, VA 23188